Achieve 2021 Updates and FAQs


ALL membership expirations have been pushed out six (6) weeks to early February. We lost ten (10) weeks in 2020 due to the "lockdown" but added four (4) weeks back in last year. This extension is across the board for all clients. If you have a 100-pack with sessions left, you will not lose them due to early 2021 expiration. If you used your 100 sessions, please feel free to buy another 100-pack, they are good for a full year. If you have been injured, no worries, you are on "suspension" and will not lose sessions. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me. We will have a 2021 Loyalty Membership just keep your eyes open, information will be out in a few weeks.

Boot Camp:

We have been running boot camps successfully indoors since mid December 2020 at the "old" Sur La Table building at the Bayshore town center. Based on the early November client survey; 97% of the replies preferred to have indoor sessions at a location that ONLY our clients had access to, in order to maintain our contact bubble. This has been going great. All equipment resides onsite and gets sanitized each session if used.

Small Group:

Same as above. We have clean restrooms for both men and women. The max number of people we have had at any one time is 12 and it still feels nice and spread out for social distance concerns.


We made the decision to have our "own" indoor space in order for our clients to workout in a "safe" space. We all have our own tolerance levels when it comes to masks and working out (see below). In life, we know we cannot make 100% of people happy 100% of the time, but our goal was to accommodate the most people for this indoor season. So no matter where you fall in these categories PLEASE ALLOW your fellow clients the courtesy of their choice without judgment.

  • Clients who choose to wear their masks at all times.

  • Clients who wear their mask but who also allow themselves "mask breaks" as needed.

  • Clients who choose NOT to wear a mask to workout.

  • Clients who choose to workout at home on their own AND/OR participate in the Virtual sessions.

  • Coaches will NOT be wearing masks indoors while at the Sur La Table space.

Coach Accessibility:

I have a 100% open door policy. Feel free to contact me anytime (day or night) via phone, text or email. I do my best to respond to you as quickly as possible. Recently Coach Mike and I have taken on the role of temporary PE instructors at St. Robert School. This has taken some of my office time away during the week SO please allow me a 12-hour window to answer questions. I will ALWAYS respond. :)

Virtual/Live-Streaming Boot Camp sessions:

YES we are live. And for those who prefer to train at home, these sessions have been going great. BUT there are a few tid-bits you need to know for your best "At Home" boot camp experience:

  • MAKE SURE to sign up for a Virtual Class just like you sign up for a regular "in person" class. If you don't you will NOT get the link to access the live stream, which gets emailed about 30 mins prior to each virtual session.

  • Once the session is complete, Coach C titles and publishes the session and it goes into the Video On Demand library, which each current client has access to so you can view a session at any time after it is published.

  • This is a work in progress and we are working on how clients CAN access a VOD easily. PLEASE keep your eyes open for more information on this.

  • Currently, when you get the email with the link for the JUST PUBLISHED session, there is also a place to click and go to "All Published Videos;" please use this in the meantime to access the VOD library.

Achieve Logo Items & Apparel:

Yes, we are planning to have the logo wear landing page up again this season. Keep your eyes open for that. We also plan to give out the 2021 "thank you" gifts as clients renew their memberships. Coach C will have logo towels on hand AND is waiting on a recent order of Blender bottles.

30/60/90 Day Fitness & Nutrition Challenge

You asked, we delivered. This is a scalable challenge so feel free to take on as much or as little as you feel you can successfully handle. Please click here for the full breakdown on this challenge. And remember, Coach C NEEDS your contract as a way to help keep you accountable to your goals.

As always, it is my goal to give you the best support, encouragement and motivation to keep you healthy and your immune system working at its optimal level. Let me know how else I can help you achieve your goals in 2021!