2021 Achieve Loyalty Membership Update

Hello Achieve clients and congrats on making it to 2021. I can honestly say that 2020 was the weirdest year I can ever remember so we are looking forward to a much better year this year (albeit tentatively but happily). We met our goal in 2020 of giving you easier access to your fitness memberships and a better way to track your sessions and to check into each workout. Due to COVID related challenges, we also expanded our offering to both LIVE streaming for our “workout at home” initiative AND the Video on Demand platform. So you NEVER have to go without a boot camp workout. Heading into 2021, all the memberships will remain the same; please see below for a quick review of the membership offerings. And remember, you can always do month to month if that is more convenient for you. And finally, all memberships have been pushed out six weeks, to include the “lost weeks” of 2020. Please ask us if you have any questions and so looking forward to helping you stay fit, happy and healthy in 2021!

Loyalty Packages*:

100-PACK - $1,300 - pack of 100 classes, expires in one year

  • great for those who workout two (2) and sometimes three (3) days per week 

  • great for those who prefer to share their sessions with a spouse or dependent child

  • receive an Achieve logo workout towel OR a Blender bottle

12 Months Unlimited - $170/month - one year of unlimited classes, conveniently billed monthly

  • great for those who workout three (3), four (4) and sometimes five (5) days per week (with Saturday workouts)

  • great for those who do not prefer to pay in full

  • receive an Achieve logo workout towel AND Blender bottle OR long sleeve Achieve logo hoodie

12 Months Unlimited - $1,998 ($1,767 – prorated for 2021) - one year of unlimited classes, one-time advanced payment

  • great for those who workout three (3), four (4) and sometimes five (5) days per week

  • receive an Achieve logo workout towel, Blender bottle AND long sleeve Achieve logo hoodie

  • pay by check or cash and receive an additional $100 off

Outside of the updated benefits made available to clients who purchase any of our pricing options* (see above), here are special perks for those that choose a Loyalty Package:

  • Considerable price savings with long-term commitment

  • Invitations to exclusive events:

    • 2nd and 3rd Quarter advanced nutrition sessions taught by Coach Catherine (topics will vary based on demand and MAYBE held via Zoom)

  • Semi-Annual get-together hosted by Coach Catherine & Coach Mike (this is planned for the late summer and outdoors to help keep our social distance)

  • Expiration date extension for vacations, illnesses or injuries; with written/emailed notice 

  • $30 Advocare credit

Updated benefits of all Achieve Personal Fitness clients who purchase ANY of our pricing options:

  • Pricing options include access to every group class we offer, including 90-minute Concordia Stairs Workouts, Small Group evening classes and morning Milwaukee Adventure Boot Camp, ALL LIVE streaming and FREE access to the Video on Demand library  – there are no restrictions.

  • Monthly motivation emails

  • No late fee for cancellations on group classes - cancel anytime

  • Easy access to register and pay via Mind Body