2021 JUMP START 30/60/90 Day Fitness & Nutrition Challenge

I know, I know! EVERY fitness company runs a challenge at the beginning of each year right? “The New Year, New You Challenge!” “The Happy New Rear Challenge! But why do you think that is? BECAUSE THEY WORK AND PEOPLE HAVE SUCCESS DOING THEM!

So, here I go….”I, Coach C, officially challenge YOU to jump start your health and fitness by accepting either a 30, 60 or 90 day focus on YOUR health!” Now, the good news is this is EASY. And you can decide right away to do the 90 day OR be cautious and do the 30 day challenge to build up your confidence. So think it over and then read on to get started. The timing of this challenge is perfect to get you ready to move outdoors for the 2021 outdoor season!

How it works:

·      The basics matter so each week you will have only ONE challenge. The goal is to solidify and complete that challenge BEFORE moving onto the next one. If you are able to complete the outlined challenge and have now added it into your normal routine, THEN you can move onto the next challenge. BUT if you did not complete the week #1 challenge, stick with it until you do. This ONLY works if you are making these changes as a permanent lifestyle change, NOT a temporary fix.

·      Decide on your “Challenge” length. Sign and return the contract to me the week of Jan 4th (email is fine). Note that to help keep you accountable, the contract outlines your action/ consequence duties for each segment of the Challenge. Each Challenge month will outline the MINIMUM exercise activity required for that month. This exercise segment is minimum; you may do more if you choose.

·      Complete the required weekly/monthly Challenges AND contract duties. If you have had good success, you may continue to add weekly challenges AND may add the NEXT 30 day segment to your contract. If you started your contract with the 90-day challenge, but are not completing each weekly challenge as noted, do not worry, just keep working on THAT week’s challenge before moving on. This is meant to be scalable to allow you time to really get these new routines down pat.

30 Day Challenge (weeks 1-4)

·      Each week in the WAAG, there will be a link to an article supporting the upcoming week’s challenge

·      Minimum exercise activity each week is 3 sessions of 30-45 mins

Week #1 – Drink at least ¾ of a gallon of water everyday. Make sure to measure this, no guessing.

Week #2 – Sleep at least 7 hours each night. You may have to create a “bed time routine” so start organizing this early.

Week #3 – Learn and maintain food portion sizes. This allows normal eating all year round. Click here for correct portion size list.

Week #4 – Lower your reaction to stress. STOP and breath before you react; you may not be able to eliminate stress but YOU control how you react to it!

60 Day Challenge (weeks 5-8)

·      Each week in the WAAG, there will be a link to an article supporting the upcoming week’s challenge

·      Minimum exercise activity each week is 4 sessions of 35-50 mins

Week #5 – Drink at least 1 gallon of water everyday. Make sure to measure this, no guessing.

Week #6 – Decrease alcohol intake to two (2-3) servings per week.  Plan for this to include social events (be honest).

Week #7 – Eat 5-9 servings of vegetables a day. Don’t freak out, a medium salad has about three to four (3-4) servings of veggies in it.

Week #8 – Eat 4-5 servings of protein a day. Protein suggestions only… 2/3 cup egg whites for breakfast, one (1) scoop protein shake for snacks (am and pm), grilled chicken for lunch and another meat or non meat protein for dinner.


90 Day Challenge (week 9-12)

·      Each week in the WAAG, there will be a link to an article supporting the upcoming week’s challenge

·      Minimum exercise activity each week is 5-6 sessions of 40-50 mins 

Week #9 – Eat only two (2) servings of fruit per day. Fruit is good but has lots of sugar. Lower your sugar intake, lower your belly fat.

Week #10 – Do 30 BW squats, 30 pushups (or shoulder taps), 30 knee-up crunches and 30 MT climbers per day of this week. You are now focusing on expending more calories through activity so you DON’T have to cut food calories so much.

Week #11 – Do 60 BW squats, 60 pushups (or shoulder taps), 60 knee-up crunches and 60 MT climbers per day of this week. This should take less than 5 minutes.

Week #12 – Do 90 BW squats, 90 pushups (or shoulder taps), 90 knee-up crunches and 90 MT climbers per day of this week. You can break this up throughout the day, you do not have to do all 90 of each at one time.



The 2021 JUMP START 30/60/90 Day Fitness & Nutrition Challenge

I,                                                                          hereby commit to the (circle one) 30     60   90   Day Challenge starting on Jan 4th 2021.

 I will do my very best to follow each week’s minimum exercise protocol AND the weekly challenges as listed for each week.  I will practice self-control when it comes to eating and. I will be focused on challenging my abilities in the pursuit of elevating my physical fitness performance and nutrition.

I know a picture is worth a thousand words, and even though I do not like before and after photos, I know they tell a better story than what the scale does.

30 Day Challenge – Photos on Day 1 and Day 30 Dates ___________,__________________

60 Day Challenge – Photos on Day 30 and Day 60 Dates ___________,________________

90 Day Challenge – Photos on Day 60 and Day 90 Dates ____________,_______________

I will never go to bed starving. However, if starving, I will consume lean protein and green veggies (or rice cakes) so as to NOT go to bed hungry.

I will endeavor to be conscious of when and why I eat and will, to the best of my ability, eat simply to satisfy my nutritional needs as opposed to my emotional needs. Food can never placate my emotions.

I will also do my best to make healthy food choices at all times, no matter where I am (at home, traveling, parties, etc.).

I know I am motivated (circle one) EXTRINSICLY OR INTRINSICLY and will reward myself as need be.

EXTRINSIC Motivation Ex: A mani/pedi, a massage, a new pair of sneakers…

INTRINSIC Motivation Ex: The feeling I get when I compete a goal, the feeling I get when I successfully add a challenge to my normal routine…

I realize that this contract is solely with myself and that it carries no rewards, penalties, or punishments other than those associated with the reflection of strength of my character and willingness to be accountable to my 2021 Challenge fitness & nutrition goals!



(Achieve Client Signature)                                                                        (Date)

*Please complete and return to Coach C by Jan 8, 2021